The harsh environment of Lords of the Fallen makes it absolutely necessary to have complete command over the gear you use. Let's take a look at some of the most potent weapons, pieces of armor, and LOTF Items that are recommended by seasoned players.
Weapons of devastating close combat
These heavy-hitting weapons come highly recommended for their potential to wreak havoc in close quarters combat:
Blade made of human flesh and human teeth
This enormous two-handed greatsword is particularly effective at dealing a great deal of both physical and flaming damage. Because it scales to an A-rank in strength after being fully upgraded, it is most effective for tanky warrior builds. You have a lot of versatility in both PvE and PvP thanks to the varied moveset and the long reach you have.
The Vanguard Sword of Barros
This sword deals equal amounts of physical and dark damage, making it useful even against foes that are particularly resistant to one or the other type of damage. Its strong scaling in Strength and Agility makes it a viable option for quality builds. The fashionable appearance is an added bonus.
The Sword of Rosamund
This sword can deal physical, dark, and frost damage, and when enchanted to boost its dark damage, it can easily slice through its opponents. Players are able to maintain their agility thanks to the well-rounded moveset.
Rapid and Lethal Arms and Ammunition
Players who are dexterous will be able to strike with lethal precision using these nimble weapons:
The Sword of Pieta
Swinging this radiant shortsword around in your hand is eerily similar to using a lightsaber. Because of its impressive range, lightning-fast attack speed, and holy explosions, it is ideally suited for casters as well as dexterity builds.
The Bow of the Assassin
This bow is ideal for hit-and-run strategies because it enables ranged attacks and inflicts status effects that are incapacitating. To deal the most possible damage, dual wield with daggers.
One Who Brings Calm to the Scene
These nimble blades make it possible to perform lethal combos. The use of them in dual wielding synergizes with abilities that increase the damage output of dual wielding.
Weaponry that Packs a Punch Polearms
The extended reach of these polearms makes them very effective for crowd control:
Secluded Holy One
This holy halberd strikes with righteous fury, turning the undead into mincemeat in its path of destruction. Make use of powerful attacks that sweep across the area to disorient groups.
Brilliantly Remaining
The radiant damage that this spear deals rips through demonically influenced opponents. Take advantage of the length to keep your opponents at bay.
The Ebonlight That Remains
This pike delivers the pain by inflicting damage not only to the body but also to the mind and spirit. The accumulation of frostbite can quickly rip through bosses.
Protective Armor Strike a healthy balance between offense and defense by donning one of these outstanding armor sets:
The Armor of the Guardian
This super-heavy tank armor provides you with massive resistances to both physical attacks and the various elements, transforming you into an unstoppable juggernaut.
Armor of the Black Feather
This armor is not only lightweight but also flexible, allowing for maximum mobility for the wearer. When necessary, upgrade for increased levels of protection.
The Armor of Damarose
These robes enhance the power of fiery sorcerers by providing them with powerful protection from fire as well as damage buffs.
Important Adjunct Pieces of Equipment
These rings, amulets, and gems provide buffs that are of immeasurable value:
Amulet of the Warrior's Claw
Every time you land a critical hit, a portion of your health will be restored.
When dual wielding weapons, the damage done by Grayson's Ring is increased.
The Adyr's Mark Ring is a magical item that increases the damage done by incantations and spells that use the inferno element.